Sunday, September 12, 2010

Wicked Waffle Sundaes ~ Bendingmirrors

Happy Birthday, Weezy - I hope you have a fabulous day, hun! Just a little something for all the wonderful things that you do for me. A little thank you for all of your encouragement, your help and, most importantly, for your friendship. I’m so glad that we met and became friends! &hearts

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He was stretched across the bed, feet dangling from one edge, and an arm flung out into space. The soft, slow rhythm of a mournful song sung by a British man rang out through the flat. He was exhausted, waiting, and humming along quietly to the music.

From the dulcet tones of his voice, I assumed his recording session had gone well. The band had been trying out some new pieces they had written, and were hoping to pull together enough for an album out of this week’s efforts.

Jasper had had enough of playing small pub gigs, and I couldn’t say I blamed him. Working hard each night to sell their music, their act, and the EP’s they had put together last year was wearing him down. A well recorded album that they could demonstrate to agents, record companies and big tour bookers was exactly what they needed.

Dancing lightly across to the bed, I crawled up beside him. Settling myself into the hollow he left just for me, I snuggled into his chest and listened to him breathe.

“Babe, I think we may have just about wrapped it up. I think we should lock in the last couple of tracks tomorrow, and then we can start sending them out.” He ran his hand through my hair, and down my back.

“Oh, hun, I’m so glad for you!” I settled further into his arms, savouring the musky woods scent that was my Jasper.

He turned to cuddle me closer to him, “I may have some other good news. I’m not sure on this, so you can’t breathe a word to anyone, but there was an agent in the crowd at that gig last Thursday night.”

“The one where you guys played like you were on fire? When Carter actually remembered all the lyrics to The Bones Of You?”

“The very one. Nothing official, and no one has actually made any offers, but Carlisle was on the phone to someone this afternoon, it was very hush-hush, and he actually winked at me.”

“Carlisle? Really? I guess it must be great news then. We have to celebrate!” I jumped up off the bed, and headed straight to the kitchen to whip up a batch of our celebratory waffle sundaes. He joined me out in the kitchen while I was heating the chocolate fudge to drizzle over the top.

“Ali, I think I may actually prefer to eat this off something other than a sundae.” His eyebrow cocked, and with that wicked gleam in his eye, I was pretty sure I knew where this was going, and that I was going to like it very much.

Jasper’s large hand reached out for the top buttons of my blouse, and as he leaned in to kiss me he managed to “pull a Joey” and suddenly my top was open all the way down. I had once asked him how he managed it, but my only response was that it was a trade secret.

His grey-blue eyes were intense with desire as he crushed me to him, bringing our lips together in a practiced move. No matter how long we had been together, it always managed to reach the intensity of that first time we touched.

My clothes disappeared in a haze of motion and want, and soon we were both naked in our tiny kitchen. He lifted me up onto the counter, and set to work with the heated chocolate sauce. Dripping it on to my skin a little at a time, chasing each movement of the goo with his tongue. I grew more and more restless as he neared the prize.

It wasn’t until he slid me forward on the counter, and entered me with one hard thrust that I finally felt like I was home. Our frantic movements cleared the counter of all of the foodstuffs that I had out to make the sundaes. The mess would be hell to clean up later, but it was worthwhile now. The need inside me roared and roared, rising to a fevered pitch before he reached down to caress the tiny button that sent me rocketing to the moon.

“Alice, promise me that even if we do make it big, even if we are so big that we can hire an entire entourage, that you’ll always make waffle sundaes for us when we need to celebrate?”

“Jazz, if you keep giving me such fantastic things to celebrate about, I’ll keep making the sundaes, but can we hire someone to clean the kitchen after us if we’re going to have an entourage?” He quirked that eyebrow at me again, and I knew it would be hours more before I got back out here to clean up the mess that we had made.


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