Sunday, September 12, 2010

Cowboy Casanova ~ Mischief-Maker

“Cowboy Casanova”

Pairing: Jasper/Bella with Jasper/Alice

Rating: DUH! M. Extreme M…

AN: To Nostalgicmiss…a very, VERY happy birthday, Sweetie! I hope you like it. It IS Jasper-centric, but…well, the story got away from me. Hope you like the ending! You know me.

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I couldn’t believe I was doing this. I was throwing caution to the wind and going to a bar. I hadn’t been out in forever. Not since my best friend, Alice, had disappeared over a year ago. We used to go bar hopping every Saturday night. Hell, we were young and stupid, and we always threw caution to the wind and went out drinking and partying. It was our right. We were twenty one and though we were devoted to our college work, we enjoyed letting our hair down.

But…one night we went out and got drunk…she went home with a guy…I went home with a guy…and, I thought it would be like every other night; the morning would come and we would do the whole ‘walk of shame’ together and talk about what we could remember of our night over a biiiig cup of coffee and blueberry scones from the local barista. But she hadn’t come home that next morning. I thought for once she had found a real keeper, and just let her go. One day turned into two, and then when Monday rolled around and she didn’t show for her classes, I got worried and filed a missing persons report. Since I didn’t see who she went home with, there was no way to trace her. The bartender at the place we ended up last said he saw her leaving with a tall, blond man, but that was all he knew. I had lived like a hermit for the past year. But tonight, my twenty-third birthday, I was going to go out and live it up…for Alice.

“Come on, Bella!” my roommate, Rosalie said. “You gotta go, Emmett’s on his way over!"

Ah…yes, Emmett…star quarterback of our college’s football team and a total cliché in the meathead department. At least, that’s what you would think. He came off as the epic ‘dude’ on the football team, but he wasn’t. He was holding a steady 4.0 GPA and heading to Harvard for medical school next year where Rosalie was going as well, only to their law school. They were the power couple of the campus and I couldn’t believe I was even friends with them. Me. Bella Swan – resident nobody.  “Okay, okay,” I grumbled as I grabbed my cash and shoved it into my meager bra cups. I didn’t want to have to bother with a purse.

“You’ll be back, when?” Rosalie asked as she put on her mascara.

“Hopefully I won’t be back,” I told her with a grin.

“Go, Bella! Get you some ass, girl, and some cock while you’re at it…if you’re into cock. Maybe pussy?”

“Gah, Rose. Could you be more insensitive?”

“What?! It’s a valid question. I’ve not seen you with either sex in forever, so I just assumed you were trying to ‘find yourself’ or some shit. I didn’t know if it was a sex thing or not…”

I rolled my eyes and just looked at her. “I’m straight, thank you.” Though…I had to admit, bi-curiosity had plagued me for a while after actually seeing Alice with one of her ‘conquests’ up close and personal. Watching her tongue go to work on him made me wonder…

I shook my head and said, “Well, I’m out. See you later…or not.” It was something Alice and I used to say, but it pained my heart that she wasn’t here with me.

I made my way downstairs to the waiting cab and it took no time at all, a surprise, in Saturday traffic, to get to the bar scene. I hated being alone; it always seemed…desperate. But desperate times called for desperate measures and I was determined to do this for Alice.

I went into the first bar and heard the metal blaring of KISS. Uh…nope, not tonight. I wasn’t interested in finding a head banger. I moved on to the piano bar next door. Nope, not interested in Billy Joel or the local lawyers either. On I went, down a few more until I heard Toby Keith blaring. Hmm…country. I guess I could go for a long, tall drink of cowboy water tonight. Why not? So, in I went.

I surveyed the lay of the land. It wasn’t a bar like you see in music videos; there was no sawdust on the floor, and only a smattering of cowboy hats, but I felt I had made the right decision.

It was karaoke night, but I avoided that like the plague. I never could sing and refused to, even when I was drunk off my ass. Avoiding the line that was forming along the wall that led to the DJ booth, I went up to the bar and ordered my drink; a whiskey sour, and just looked around. Yes, this was the right place. I was just polishing off my drink when the most glorious smell filled my nose. I looked to my left and into the most beautiful, most interesting blue-ish/purple eyes. I blinked and he grinned.

“Hello, Ma’am,” he said, tipping his cowboy hat.

My god…he even sounded country. “H-hi,” I stuttered. Damn. I’m really out of practice.

His grin grew. “So, what’s a pretty little filly like you doin’ in a place like this?”

I smiled. His use of the word ‘like’ drawled out for about three syllables and he dropped the ‘g’ on ‘doing’. I could have listened to him all night long. “I, uh, I’m here in memory of a friend.”

“Boyfriend?” he prompted.

I shook my head as I reached for my refilled glass. “My best friend, Alice. She disappeared a little over a year ago. She and I used to do this every Saturday night.”

His eyes flashed for some reason and they shot to some point over my head. I looked behind me, but only saw a crowd of people. I looked back at him and his gaze held me once more. “Can you excuse me for a moment?”

I held in the sigh, but nodded. Obviously this was a guy that had known Alice. It wasn’t that big of a surprise. Alice had been known all over the area by men and women alike. She was very likeable and the description of an extrovert. I was slightly the opposite and normally stayed introverted unless she got me out at the bars, where I was totally transformed into ‘Miss Sexy Bella’ as she called me.

I drank the rest of my drink and was just ordering another when the man reappeared. “I’m sorry about that, Darlin’. I, uh, my stomach…I ate some Mexican earlier that didn’t agree with me.”

I grinned. “Did you eat at Queso Burrito? Because that place always bothers my stomach.”

He smiled and I noticed his teeth were perfect in every way, shape, form and fashion. “Yeah, nothing a little Pepto couldn’t fix. Now, where were we?”

I sipped my drink. “Talking about our love of Mexican food and how it doesn’t love us?”

He laughed. “That could have been it. Would you care to dance?”

I bit my lip. “Dancing isn’t really my forte…” I started.

“Come on,” he said as he took my drink from me and sat it on the bar. He then tugged on my arms until I was standing. “It’s all in the leading.”

I chuckled. “If you say so…” I said as a new karaoke singer started. The song was oddly familiar and so was the person singing. I stopped dead and gasped. “Alice…?” I breathed.

“Huh?” my tall dance partner said.

“I…uh…” it couldn’t be her. This woman looked a bit taller, and in very, very expensive clothes. Her hair was black somewhat like Alice’s, but she looked like a model where even Alice’s beauty was just average.

“Come on, Darlin,” he said again as he pulled me to the dance floor.

“Wait. What’s your name?”

His smile was blinding as he said, “Jasper Whitlock, ma’am.”

I held out my hand. “Bella Swan.”

“Beautiful Swan?” he asked. “Yup. That’s you.”

I blushed crimson as the singer started.

You better take it from me, that boy is like a disease
You’re running, you’re trying, you’re trying to hide
And you’re wondering why you can’t get free
He’s like a curse, he’s like a drug
You get addicted to his love
You wanna get out but he’s holding you down
‘Cause you can’t live without one more touch
I looked into Jasper’s eyes and felt mesmerized. It was as if my feet weren’t touching the floor. I had never felt like this before. It was as if he had me under some sort of spell…

He’s a good time cowboy Casanova
Leaning up against the record machine
Looks like a cool drink of water
But he’s candy-coated misery
He’s the devil in disguise
A snake with blue eyes
And he only comes out at night
Gives you feelings that you don’t want to fight
You better run for your life
He spun me out and then pulled me back close to him. “Bella…” he breathed. “You’re so beautiful. I want you so badly…”

I see that look on your face
You ain’t hearing what I say
So I’ll say it again
‘Cause I know where you been
And I know how it ends
You can’t get away
Don’t even look in his eyes
He’ll tell you nothing but lies
And you wanna believe
But you won’t be deceived
If you listen to me
And take my advice

I just stared into his eyes. I couldn’t look away. “J-Jasper…” I tried, but he shushed me with a whisper of a kiss upon my lips. “Okay,” I said, making up my mind. I needed this man. Here. Now.

His nose brushed my ear as he whispered, “Alley?”


The music was nothing but background noise as he led me through the crowd. It seemed to part just for us as we made our way to the back door.

I felt the cool fall air on my skin before I was pushed roughly against the damp brick. “Yesssss…” I hissed as I felt his hands snake up my skirt. This was why I wore skirts…and crotchless panties. Perhaps it was a bit crass, but I knew what I wanted, and what I wanted was his cock in me. Now. It had been far too long since I had been fucked thoroughly and Jasper looked like he would be up to the task.

I tried to go for his mouth again, but he shook his head and spun me around so that my front was squished into the wall. “Oh, yessss…” I moaned. “Fuck me dirty, Jasper.”

“I intend to,” he snarled as his cock rammed into me.

“Fuuuuck,” I groaned. He was huge, or maybe it was just because it had been so long. Not even toys had done anything for me while I missed Alice. “Ali, this is for you,” I whispered so quietly no one could hear it.

“Mmmm, yes it is,” I heard from beside me.

I turned my head and my eyes grew larger. “Alice?” I asked, incredulous.

Her smile was feral as she reached under my skirt to play with my clit as Jasper continued to pound me. I felt my climax nearing as she continued to manipulate my button, and Jasper’s thrusts grew harder, almost to the point of pain before he let out a roar and his mouth clamped down on my neck.

A searing pain attacked my system, but it was piggybacked by the most intense orgasm of my life and I screamed as if my life depended on it as I continued to go on and on and on. I came so hard, when he started to slow down, I began to feel weak. “Oh, my…that was…” my speech was slurred. I hadn’t realized those two and a half whiskey sours had gotten me this drunk. “Ali…what are you…” I blinked and my vision blurred as the pain in my neck began to come through the haze. “What’s goin’ on…?” I felt myself getting weaker.

“I warned you, Bella,” Alice said darkly.

“What are you…?” I blinked again as Jasper continued to hold me up. His head was still in the crook of my neck and I felt the pain intensify, but it was almost a soothing sensation? It was most definitely odd.

Alice hummed a minute and softly sang, “He’s the devil in disguise, a snake with blue eyes and he only comes out at night. Gives you feelings that you don’t want to fight.
You better run for your life.”

“That was…you?” I managed.

“Yes. Poor Bella. I tried to warn you,” she said again as she sang the last part of the song; “Run, run away don’t let him mess with your mind. He’ll tell you anything you want to hear. He’ll break your heart it’s just a matter of time.”

“What are you talking about?” I asked as I blinked again.

“You’re dying now, Bella,” she said softly. “I’m sorry, but it was his turn to choose.”

“Choose what?”

“Our victim,” she said coldly.

That was the last thing I heard as darkness enveloped me and I felt nothing…

Alice POV

“You’re a damn lie, little Ali Cat,” Jasper said as he let Bella’s limp form fall to the ground. “You were the one that wanted us to come here. I gave you fair warning that I was taking her…”

I giggled. I knew he was teasing me as he used his favorite expression. I never could figure out why he phrased it just like that. I guess it was the southern in him or something. I stood on tippy-toe and kissed him, tasting Bella’s blood upon his lips. Mmm, delicious. “Well, what can I say? I do kind of hate you drained her, sweetie.”

He shrugged. “Eh, if you want a plaything, you know we’ll find you one, Darlin’.”

I grinned as he pulled me into his arms. Jasper was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. I knew I had to have him the night he killed me. He was stunning. I didn’t realize what he was doing to me until it was almost too late. For some reason, he managed to hold back from actually draining me, and took me back to his home. Three days I screamed and cried for death, but then I was born again and I loved everything about this life! Not only did we have money for me to buy every type clothes I wanted, but real freedom to do whatever we wanted! It was like a dream come true. And the gift I received upon my awakening…psychic abilities…well, that was utterly amazing.

“So, Ali, what’cha wanna do now?”

I felt my eyes glaze over as the vision overtook me. It was me, dancing with a sexy bronze haired man in the piano bar as Jasper sat and played a tune. Oh boy. It looks like it was my turn for dinner.

I blinked aware of my surroundings as Jasper grinned and drew me in for a big kiss. “We gonna trade places, sweetheart?”

“Yes. I saw the most delicious looking man. He had this weird colored red hair…”

“I dunno, Al. Rarely do we attack twice in one night…”

I put on my pout. “Please? I’m hungry and you already got off…”

He moved at vampire speed, wrapped my legs around him, and thrust his cock into my bare pussy. “Fuck,” I muttered.

“You know I don’t have to recover long, Ali, not after having fresh blood…”

I wrapped my arms around his neck and suckled on the skin there. “Thankfully,” I said before biting him, marking him as mine once more. I didn’t mind him fucking other women, as long as I was there to watch, but I was a jealous soul by nature, and as such, I had to do it.

“Yes, mark me, Baby,” he murmured as he continued to thrust.

I felt my release approaching and I dug my nails into his rock-hard flesh. “I love you, Jasper Whitlock.”

“And I love you, Alice Whitlock. I’m so glad I turned you.”

“Me too,” I muttered as I came. “Oh! Me too!”

He let out a grunt as he came before pulling my mouth to his once more. I gave myself to the kiss and moaned loudly. I could still taste the heady blood from his meal and it made me even hungrier. It must have been evident in my eyes because Jasper was all smiles as he withdrew from me. “Now, whaddya say we go get you that red head?”

AN2: *ducks* Yeah…it turned dark there, didn’t it? Kinda like lemon creme wrapped in dark chocolate, yeah? LOL. So, hope you liked it!

Alice : Bella: Jasper:


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