Sunday, September 12, 2010

Return to Me ~ Stan

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Return to Me

It was freezing out.  I had put on my best armor against the cold, but even through three layers, the frozen stone on which I was sat still penetrated to bite my skin.  This was my favorite spot to think, and irregardless of these miserable conditions, it drew me out and embraced me as an old friend.  I watched as the water in the stream fought determinedly to run beneath the thin sheet of ice that suppressed it.  It impressed me in its struggle to complete its mission and run as gravity dictated.  It pressed on, though more and more of itself gave into the stillness that would hold it in time, suspending it until spring.

A shiver ran through my body, and I shoved my gloved hands into my coat pocket.  The crackle of paper as my hand pressed deeper, seeking warmth, sent a chill of another sort straight to my bones.  Slowly, I pulled out the paper, frail from being opened and folded countless times in the last three days.  With a deep breath and trembling hands, I unfolded it for the countless plus one time, the words immediately twisting my mouth into a smile and renewing the longing in my heart.

My Dearest Bella,

Even in sleep, your beauty knows no bounds.  It is with the heaviest of hearts that I leave you for two overgrown children, who emit strange odors and feel the need to name various parts of their bodies.  Your photo in my pocket will be my only reminder as to  why I must endeavor to endure this torment, so that apparently I may return to you a better man.  It shall be a week before my eyes have the pleasure of beholding your beauty once more.  It will be then that my heart, frozen in the winter of this intolerable road trip, shall once again beat for you.  Until then, be well, my sweet.  

All my love,

A small giggle escaped as I carefully folded the paper back up and gently placed it back in my pocket.  Three days of silence, three days of aching, three days of worry.  Only three more to go.  This had turned out to be way harder than I thought it would be. 

Edward and Emmett had been friends since pre-school, and Jasper joined the gang when his family moved here when they were in junior high school.  They plotted this road trip the year they all turned sixteen.  The idea was to just pick a direction and drive for three days, stopping at all the quirky places you find along the way. After three days they would head back home using a different route so they could find more interesting, unique or downright bizarre things on the way back.  As one would imagine, their mothers didn’t think too highly of the idea, and that was the end of that.  College came, and with it, marriages and job offers and life that did not include six day treks in search of secret treasures.  But ten years after their plotting began, the what ifs began to nag at Emmett just a little too loudly, and he convinced the other two that now was the time.  Jasper was an easy sell, but Edward took some convincing.  He felt it was childish and unnecessary, but knowing he would have fun once he got out there, I joined forces with Emmett and Jasper to make it happen.  And so, with the blessings of their wives, they left to fulfill an old dream.  I couldn’t help but smile as I thought of him smiling and enjoying himself, but oh how I missed him.  It seemed silly, since it was only for a few days, but from the moment he left, the loss of him had been profound.    

Glancing across the yard, my eyes landed on the silly crooked snowman that stood as a sentinel, on watch for my love’s return.  He was created only a couple of days before they left...


“C’mon Alice!  Snow doesn’t bite!”  I teased my tiny sister-in-law, who stood huddled on the back porch.

“Give it up, love,” Edward laughed. “Alice has always hated the snow.  When she was two I threw a snowball at her and hit her square in the face.  She screamed like it was eating her skin off.  Ever since then she won’t touch the stuff unless she absolutely has too.”

“Edward!” I chided, though I couldn’t completely hide my amusement. “That was a horrible thing to do to your little sister!”  

“In my defense, I was only four.” Edward shrugged. 

Jasper, who’d been working on building a fire in the fire pit, strode over clapping Edward on the back and giving me a wink as he headed towards the porch.

“It is my professional opinion as a psychologist,” Jasper began with a mischievous smirk. “That this situation calls for an emergency intervention.”

“Jasper Whitlock, don’t you dare!”  Alice exclaimed, before letting out a squeal as Jasper threw her over his shoulder.  Alice continued to thrash and scream sounds that were dangerously close to the beginnings of giggles, as Jasper carried her out to the middle of the yard.

“I think it’s time for a little snow angel therapy.”  Jasper laughed as he dropped his wife in the fresh powder.  She sat in the snow, stunned, as if she couldn’t decide whether to laugh or cry.  But Jasper’s encouragement of, “c’mon baby, let’s have some fun,” seemed to melt her on the spot.  I watched her and cheered her on as she laid back and flapped her arms in wide arcs, and pushed her legs out and in to make one of the most perfect snow angels I have ever seen.  Jasper helped her up so that her masterpiece wasn’t marred and kissed her passionately as a reward for her bravery.

“Alice, it’s perfect!” I enthused after they broke apart, giving her a hug.

“Of course it is silly,” she replied. “Designer snowsuits always make a better impression.”

Knowing she was absolutely serious, all I could do was furrow my brow and purse my lips in stunned, repressed laughter, and nod my agreement so as not to hurt her feelings.  Thankfully, the pressure was off instantly, as Emmett came barging through the door shouting “Snowball fight!” as he immediately launched one at Edward, who ducked gracefully out of the way.  Alice screamed in terror and dove behind an overturned patio chair for protection, while Jasper and I took up defensive positions behind some trees. 

“This is my backyard, Emmett McCarty,  and I will defend it!”  I informed him, with all the authority I could muster through my laughter.

“And so it begins, Mrs. Cullen,”  Emmett replied with a smirk, before being distracted like a three year old.  “Hey!  Who made the tiny snow angel?  That has to be the smallest one I’ve seen in ye.... NO WAY!”  He spun quickly, scanning for Alice, who was peeking out from behind her makeshift fortress.  “Alice, you touched snow?”  Alice grinned back at him, a little smugly.  Emmett just laughed. “Well, I’ll be damned. I never thought I’d see the d...”  His words were cut off by a perfectly thrown snowball to the face.  Everyone erupted in laughter as Emmett declared war on us all.  Snowballs, and a few curse words, flew with abandon for the next hour.  There were shrieks of delight at hitting your target, and shrieks of defeat as you became the target. 

Red cheeked and breathing hard, we called a truce, as Rosalie brought a tray of hot chocolate out to the tired warriors.  We each grabbed a mug and gratefully sipped, allowing the warmth to sink and spread through our half-frozen bodies.  It was as I reveled in the internal hug I was receiving from the hot chocolate, that it dawned on me that Rosalie had not been outside with us.  For as long as I’ve known her, I’ve never seen Rosalie step way from a good snowball fight, or any fight for that matter.

“Rose? Are you feeling alright?  You didn’t come out and play with us,”  I asked with concern.

“I know, I’m sorry.  It’s just that...”  She trailed off with uncharacteristic nervousness.  It was then that I noticed Emmett’s face-splitting grin as he went to stand behind his wife, filling in the blanks for her.  “It’s just that snowball fights are not on the approved list of things to do for pregnant people.”

The stunned silence lasted for about three seconds until the explosion of squeals, congratulations, hugs, fist bumps and finally tears of joy. 

“Jasper?”  Emmett asked in a low voice. “Why do women always have to cry about everything?  Please tell me you took a class on that in shrink school.”

Jasper just laughed.  “C’mon man, I’ll try to explain as you, Edward and I  build a snowman for our amazing women.  I’m sure they’d appreciate a few minutes to talk about breast pumps and rash cream.”   

“You keep talkin’ about breast pumps and I’m gonna need some rash cream,” Emmett mumbled as he headed back out into the snow.

Huddled under a blanket on the porch swing, the three of us watched our men build what was possibly one of the most pathetic snowmen we had ever seen.  And even though it bore a strong resemblance to Charlie Brown, they were so proud of it that none of us could say anything other than words of praise as they beat their chests and grunted like cavemen over their manly deed.  It was such a fun day...


Sighing, I decided I had better peel myself off my rock before I froze to it permanently.  It was late in the afternoon now, and the temperature was starting to drop.  Trudging toward my empty house I passed the crooked snowman.  “It’s just you and me again, Charlie,” I said to him. Shaking my head at myself for being reduced to talking to disproportionate frozen dudes, I continued to towards the house.  I was nearly to the porch when I saw it, freezing me in my tracks.  Carved in a small patch of undisturbed snow was a perfect heart.  The words of Edward’s letter came rushing through my mind... ‘It is then that my heart, frozen in the winter of this intolerable road trip, shall once again beat for you.’  My heart sped as I tried to understand what was in front of me.  It had to be him, but how could it be?  He wasn’t due back until Sunday, three days from now.

Looking up, I saw smoke rising from the chimney and any doubt I had was gone.  My love had returned to me.  The giddiness in my chest increased as I flew as fast as I could up the steps and through the door.  Out of breath, my eyes searched wildly until he appeared in the doorway of the kitchen.  His messy, bronze hair hung lazily over heated, emerald eyes, and his mouth pulled up on one side in a sly grin.  I gasped at the sight of him, still in slight disbelief of what was in front of me.

“Hey baby.”  His words were like a starting pistol and I launched myself at him almost knocking him to the ground as I latched my arms around his neck, peppering him with kisses.

“”  I asked, kissing him between each word.

“We cut the trip short because Emmett ‘this is going to be the most awesomest road trip ever’ McCarty couldn’t stop whining about how much his missed his little, and I quote, bun warmer.”  Edward laughed.  “I hope you don’t mind.”

“Mind?” I asked incredulously. “I don’t ever want you to leave me again!”

“Aw baby, I missed you too.  In fact, I’m still missing you.  Where are you in there?”

“Why don’t you find me?” I asked, raising an eyebrow at him in challenge.

His face twisted into a lustful smirk as he silently led me over to the fireplace.  His left hand pulled off my beanie cap and wound into my hair as his lips crashed down on mine.  His tongue begged for entrance and I eagerly granted him access, my tongue joining his in the delicate battle for dominance.  His right hand slowly pulled down the zipper of my jacket and pushed it from my shoulders allowing it to drop to the floor.  His mouth barely lost contact with my body, as layer by layer he removed my clothing, kissing and licking the skin newly exposed by each layer shed.  Our breathing was heavy with need, our bodies heating with desire. 

Moving behind me, he pulled my hair to the side and kissed my shoulder, as he pulled my bra strap over so that it draped on my arm, repeating the process on the other side.  With a quick snap, one of his final barriers was released, and as it slid down my arms he turned me to face him, drinking me in with his eyes.

“Beautiful,” he whispered. “I missed you so much.”

“I missed you too.  You have no idea how much I missed you.”

“Show me.”

The crackling fire in the fireplace mimicked the heat rushing through me as our mouths reconnected with intensity.  My fingers, clumsy from cold, fumbled through the buttons on his shirt, pushing it off his shoulders when finally successful.  His chest was warm and hard as I pushed myself against him, excitement and comfort flowing through me at the skin to skin contact.

Tenderly, he lowered me to the rug, trailing kisses down my legs as he pulled with them his final obstacle of pink cotton.  I watched with hooded eyes as he stood, unbuckling his belt and jeans and sliding them off onto the floor.  His boxers came next, revealing him to me as I lay exposed to him.  Staring deeply into each other’s eyes, he lowered himself above me and lovingly joined us as one, instantly erasing all my earlier feelings of loneliness as he filled me with his body and his soul.  He was slow, and gentle at first as we lost ourselves in the joy of once again being together. But as that joy turned to need, he quickened, driving us both to the edge of paradise.  Consumed completely in one another, wave after wave of pleasure swept over us.  Breathless and sated, he collapsed into my embrace. 

We laid by the fire until it wasn’t much more than glowing embers, losing ourselves in one another again and again.  And as I drifted to sleep in the loving embrace of my husband, a small smile played on my lips.  I couldn’t imagine heaven being any better than this.
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Happy Birthday Sweets!  I know we haven’t known each other for very long, but I already can’t remember not knowing you.  You’ve been like a burst of sunshine and rainbows to me, and I am so thankful and privileged to call you friend.  My wish for you this year is simply the best of everything, because that’s what you deserve.  I love you so very much, and hope your birthday is as amazing as you are!! 

Much love, hugs and tackle smooshes!!  xx Stan xx


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